5 Natural and Healthy Snacks for Dogs

If you’re struggling to look for healthy alternatives for dog snacks, you can actually just give them something you normally can find in your refrigerator. Below are a few natural and healthy snacks that you can give to your pup.

5 Natural and Healthy Snacks for Dogs


These sweet fruits will be a wonderful treat for your dog. Slice them up to little disks and feed it to them. Dogs love the smell of bananas and it’s a good alternative for a sweet treat. He’ll be happy to eat it and it’s good for him. Bananas are filled with fiber and they digest easily. It’s good for their kidney and bones, especially for puppies.

Sweet potatoes

Ever had these in pies? These sweet, starchy root vegetable is loaded with vitamins A and C. they also help with colon and digestive heath, which means your dog won’t have any problems with their stomach. Just skin, chop and boil these and keep them in the refrigerator or freezer so they’ll last a while. Don’t flavor or season them, your making dog treats, not dinner. These are also good treats for disabled dogs or dogs that have a hard time moving like the ones with DM in dogs.

Green Beans

You can give veggies as snacks. Unlike kids, dogs would actually eat anything. They’re not picky when it comes to what you feed them so try to toss a few green beans at them and watch them munch away. If you’re worried about your dog’s weight, then green beans are a good snack. It’s definitely better than those pre-processed treats that are filled with artificial flavoring, fat and chemicals. Overweight dogs can have issued with DM in dogs, joints and muscle pain and heart and breathing problems.

Peanut Butter

Well, this is a bit messy to give to your dog, but think about the nutrition you’re giving them. Peanut butter is filled with iron, calcium and protein. Place a teaspoon of peanut butter on some celery. You can also stuff their chew toy with it and they’ll have hours of sun licking and biting the peanut butter out of their toy.


Tangy and creamy, you might think that your dog’s not going to like yogurt, but they actually do. Best thing about yogurt is that you can add almost anything to it. From fish to fruits, it’s a good way to deliver fiber to your dog’s diet.

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Doggy Diet – Which Bones are the Best?

Giving your dog bones is probably one of the most over looked and underestimated nutritional tip dog owners ignore. Most of the time, they just give their pets kibble or pre-made dog food. They don’t realize that bones can also be a source of nutrition and a good treat for dogs, even if they have DM in dogs. Bones help keep their jaws and teeth healthy and it also gives them a clean mouth, so you can say good bye to your dog’s bad breath.

Tips on giving your Dog Medication

Choosing the right bone is crucial if you want to feed your dog bones. Below are a few common types of bones and their pros and cons for your dog’s diet.


Chicken bones are the easiest and probably the cheapest type of bones you can give to your dog. Although some people say to lay off any type of chicken when it comes to a dog’s diet because of allergies, most dogs can actually digest chicken without any problems. Stick with raw chicken necks. These are soft and dogs can easily much on them. if you’re afraid of giving your dog raw chicken, then you can cook the chicken necks by boiling them in a pot of water. You can store these in your freezer and thaw them when you want to feed it to the dogs.


Beef has always been a good choice for a dog’s diet, in fact many dog breeders and enthusiast would place their dogs on a strict beef only diet. Since it contains a very high amount of protein, beef is great for bones and muscle development. But too much protein, especially in puppies could cause growth spurts ending with weak bones and muscles or even DM in dogs. As for beef bones, it’s a good idea to have some bits and pieces of meat still stuck to the bones.


Lamb is considered as a “hypoallergenic” meat for dogs because almost all dogs can eat it and not have allergic reactions. Lamb is considerably less expensive compared to beef and contains a pretty good amount of protein. But when it comes to lamb bones, you’ll want to choose “softer” bones like the ones around their ribs or back. This makes it easier for them to chew on and they can digest better. You can give lamb bones raw or cooked to your dog.

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Dog care – How to handle accidents

Dogs tend to run around and get into trouble. Sometimes, they can get into accidents and might even hurt themselves. Below are a few steps to help you handle your dog during an accident.

Dog care - How to handle accidents

Approach with caution

Although it is an emergency, you’ll want to be careful when you go near the dog. A hurt dog can think that you’re going to hurt it even more, so always approach with caution, especially if it already has an illness like degenerative myelopathy. Watch its body language. Will it snarl at you? Is it whining? Does it look like it’s defending itself? If it is, then try to gain its trust by giving it some food. Check if it lets you touch it so you can help it further.

Keep your safety in mind

You’ll also want to make sure that you safe when handling the dog. You’ll need to place a muzzle on their mouth to prevent any accidents. This might sound harsh but you can’t take any chances. If you don’t have a muzzle, you can use a handkerchief and tie it around their mouth.

Check for any noticeable injuries

Look for any obvious cuts, bruises or any other injury. Remember to start form the head to their feet, don’t forget to check the pads of their paws. If there are any big cuts, place a cloth on it with a bit of pressure to stop any bleeding. You can also try to clean up these open wounds with water to check the damage more carefully.

Check for any internal injuries

This is going to be a bit tricky since you can’t really see if they have any internal bruises or bleeding. One way for you to know is by going through their body with young hands. If they have a painful reaction when you pass by a certain part, there could be internal damage there. You should also check for signs like vomiting, limping, and even changes on the sound of their bark.

Take note of everything

Write all your observations down so you won’t forget. If the dog has a current illness such as degenerative myelopathy, take note of this as well. Taking notes will help you answer the vet’s questions the best way you can. It’ll also make you remember important details that you could miss.

Call the vet

Some vets are not available 24 hours, so it’s best to notify them that there is an emergency and that you’re on your way. You can also give them a short description of what happened and the current status of the dog.

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Puppy Food Basics – Commercial Categories for Puppy Food

Don’t let the endless isle of dog food scare you when choosing puppy food. It’s important to note that before you get a puppy, you should have already decided on what type of diet or brand of dog food you’ll be giving it. It’s a bad idea to keep on switching brands and types of dog food while they’re still young since this can cause digestive problems and lack of nutrients, leading to problems later such as a malnourished puppy or even DM in dogs.

Puppy Food Basics
When you buy dog food, you basically have 3 choices, low-cost, premium, super premium products.


Don’t let the name fool you, lost-cost dog food doesn’t mean that it’s lower in nutritional value or that it’s a bad choice for dog food. All dog food sold in the market need to meet standards, so if you think about it, all dog foods are basically alike. Low-cost or “Store brand” dog foods just contain the basic elements and nutrition for the standards. Although it is good for older dogs, puppies can really benefit from low-cost dog food. They need something more nutritional, so keep these for the older dogs.


Premium brands are brands that you usually see at most grocery stores. They’re not as affordable as store-brand dog food, but they contain added ingredients and nutrients that help puppies grow strong and healthy bones and muscles. Premium dog foods are commonly just branded dog food. If you really want to be sure about what you’re buying and you don’t want to get store-brand dog food, then start out with a premium mix.

Super premium

Splurging on your dog’s health is fines, as long as you’re buying the right food of their heath. super premium dog food usually have the highest nutritional density, which means it has everything for your puppy and more.  They have high digestibility which means that that nutrients that your dog eats will most likely get absorbed and not end up in poo. Picky puppies usually fall in love with super premium mixes.

No matter what type of dog food you get, it’s best to use the kind that’s made for puppies. All brands offer these puppy starter kits and some store-brands also have them. You can’t go wrong with these since they’re mixed specifically for puppies, so they cover all their nutritional needs. It’s important that they get all the right nutrients while they’re young because it helps avoid illnesses like DM in dogs to develop when they’re older.

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Pure Breeds Vs. Mix Breeds – Which is Better?

When picking out a dog, the breed is always a concern. There are hundreds to choose from and if you’re still not sure about what breed you want, you can always go through the internet and check on breed that you might like. You also have the option for getting a mix breed dog, which is basically a dog coming from two or more different breeds.

If you think about it, almost all dogs started out as mix breeds and became specially bred to form a pure breed. Centuries of breeding have developed personalities, traits and even illnesses like DM in dogs which are more common in one breed then another.  Inter-breeding on the other hand help developed “customized” dogs which have different personalities and traits from their pure breed bloodline.

Pure Breeds Vs. Mix Breeds –Which is Better
So the question is, which is better to get? A pure bred dog or a mix breed dog?

Pure breed

If you’re a purist when it comes to dogs, then this is the right choice for you. Most kennels and pet shops offer pure breed dogs, even studding services if you already have a female dog with you. There are even elite clubs for pure breeds who ask for official papers before you can enlist you and your dog as members. One of the best things about pure breeds is that you can easily follow their bloodline, which is a big plus if you’re looking for a healthy dog that doesn’t have a family history of illnesses like DM in dogs. Most pure breeds also come with papers, so if your town or community needs you to register them, everything can be easily processed.

Mix breed

With a mix breed dog, you usually never know what you can get. Sometimes, the dog will look exactly like one of the breeds, other times it’ll look so different that you can’t even identify what kind of dog it is. Some dogs are actually breed together to develop specific puppies, such as Poodles and Labradors which create puppies that are perfect for kids and families. Mix breeds are also less expensive to get compared to pure breeds, sometimes you can even just get them for free if you know the dog’s owner. Getting a mix breed is like getting the best of both worlds. If you can decide which breed you want, then a mix breed dog will do perfectly.

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How to Give your Dog a Proper Walk

You might think that a few laps around the block is enough for a “good walk” when it comes to your pet dog. However, there is a proper way on how to do it. A walk might just be a short 30 minute morning or afternoon ritual for you and your pet, but it really means a lot to them. They get to spend time with you plus they get to go outside and explore the world. A walk is something exciting to them, so doing it properly will not only make it more enjoyable for them, it’ll also keep them safe.

How to Give your Dog a Proper Walk
Here are a few tips on how to properly walk your dog.

Use a good leash

Some people think that any leash will work, as long as you can get a hold of your dog and it has enough space to move, it will work. However, there are different types of leashes of different uses. For a walking leash, you’ll want something that’s sturdy and is long enough that you can easily control your dog. You actually don’t want your dog to walk in front of you so you need to use a leash that you can wrap around your hand so your dog walks beside you.

Protect their paws

This isn’t mandatory, but you might need it. Some dogs, especially the ones that have degenerative myelopathy, might need something to protect their paws while they walk. It’s also a good thing to let them wear dog booties since it can help guard them from getting cuts on their paws. Booties will also help give them balance and grip as they walk, which is a big help if they have mobility problems.

Know where to go

Don’t just take some random route, plan out your walks and know where you’re going to pass by. This is the best way to keep safe, especially if you take your dog out for a walk during the night. You might also want to stick with places like the park or open lots where your dog can run around and play.

Monitor their energy level

Don’t wear your dog out too much. If you notice your dog getting too tired, take a shorter route next time. It’s true that your dog needs exercise, but too much might end up injuring them. Dogs that are sick, especially with degenerative myelopathy, will need a shorter exercise time, so mind how long you’ve been out.

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Dog Breeds 101 – Scottish Terrier

If you’re into small, adorable and cute dogs, then a Scottish Terrier might just be the breed for you. Originating from Scotland, these dogs look like walking mops with their long, rough fur and their square shaped face. Scotties are also known as Aberdeen Terriers and they are one of the terrier breeds know as Skye Terrier. These dogs are rugged and independent, known to be pets of kings and queens.

Scottish Terrier
Here are a few tips on how to take care of your Scottish Terrier.

Feeding time

When it comes to food, your Scottish Terrier is going to need a lot of good fiber and protein. Since these are small dogs, don’t feed them too much meat since too much protein will cause growth spurts which could result to weak bones supporting a heavy, muscular build. Scottish Terriers also have a tendency to gain weight fast, so lay off on saturated fats. Diet plays a big part in your dog’s health, the right diet will help keep them healthy and avoid illnesses like DM in dogs.


Scottish Terriers don’t need a lot of exercise, but they will require a few hours of exercise per week. They don’t need a big space to exercise, a small lot or area where they can run around will be fine. You might also want to take them out to the park or even a small walk around the park.  Scottish Terriers are active dogs, so you will have a lot of fun playing with them.

Fur care

These dogs have a rough, wire-like, double coat that keeps them warn. Since Scottish Terriers are originally from an area that commonly has cold weather, their fur has adapted and is thick and strong. A good brushing is needed every day to keep their coats clean and tangle free. You can give them a bath once or twice a week, but don’t overdo it. This might strip down the natural oils in their coat and turn in brittle.


Scotties are generally healthy dogs and they have one of the longest lifespans. They’re not known to develop DM in dogs, but they are known to have a lot of issues when it comes to heat problems and certain types of cancers. They also have a specific illness called Scottie cramp which causes issues with their mobility. Keep your Scottish Terrier happy and healthy by giving it a well-balanced diet and enough exercise time.

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Tips to keep Feeding Time Neat and Clean

You try your best to give them the healthiest meals that you can find or make and you spend hours finding ways for them to finish off their meals neatly, but they still end up getting more food on the floor than into their mouth. Feeding time for dogs is a big mess to some, and dog owners are getting tired of having to clean up the mess their dog makes every time they eat.

Tips to keep Feeding Time Neat and Clean
Is there a way to make meal time for your pup a bit cleaner? Here are a few tips.

Get the newspapers

Yesterday’s newspapers are basically useless, so why not use them to help clean up to be faster and easier? Lay down some old newspapers around your dog’s eating area and even under their food bowls to catch any food and kibble that falls on the floor. You can just roll up the pieces of newspapers and throw them out, plus it’s a great way to re-use and recycle them.

Use a sturdy food fowl

The reason why your dog probably ends up slopping its food around is because the food bowl keeps moving as it eats. When purchasing a dog food bowl, try to get the heaviest one you can find. This makes sure that it stays put as your dog licks and munches its way down to the bottom of the bowl. If your dog has dm in dogs, you’re better of feeding your dog with a feeding to avoid any mess. You have more control and it’s easier to feed them this way.

Level it up

Another reason why your dog might also make a mess while it’s eating is because the food bowl is too low and that they have to bend down to eat. To make it easier for them, place the bowl on a platform or on a stand that rises the bowl up to a better height for the dog. this helps to take some of the strain out of their backs and helps keep feeding time clean, especially for dogs that have difficulty moving like cases of dm in dogs.

Don’t fill the water bowl

Some dog owners just fill their dog’s water bowl to the point that it keeps spilling over. your dog will move around a lot as it eats so as much as possible, don’t fill the water bowl up too much. When you change the water, just keep it half full so if it does tip over, it’s not going to cause a mess.

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Dog Diet Tips – Switching Dog Foods

Diet is one of the biggest dilemmas any dog owner faces when it comes to taking care of their furry friend, especially when it comes to puppies. Giving them the correct diet is one way to make sure that they kept strong and healthy. It also helps avoid any genetic illnesses such as DM in dogs from developing.

However, there are some times that you need to switch to another brand of dog food, maybe because you want to save or you think the other brand is better. This might cause problems along the way and it’s challenging to deal with it.

Dog Diet Tips

Here are a few issues that you might be facing during the change and how you can avoid it.

Digestive problems

Some dogs need to get used to a new diet, and if you just switch, it causes them to have digestive problems like diarrhea. To stop this, you can slowly integrate the new brand to their meal, such as mixing it into some of the old brand.

Picky dogs

Some dogs are like little kids. They get really picky when it comes to meal time. if you have a picky dog, it’ll end up ignoring its food or just eating a bit of it. Again, the best way to avoid this is to mix some of the old brand in so they can slowly get used to it. After a while, they won’t notice the change and happy eat their meal.


A lot of dog owners don’t realize this, but their dogs could be allergic to certain dog food brands, especially the ones that contain poultry like chicken and turkey. If you start noticing rashes or extra shedding on your dog’s skin, then stop giving them the new brand and take them to the vet to get tested. There are some brands that offer hypoallergenic dog food, so if you’re not sure about your dog’s allergies, then this is the safest thing to give them.

The right nutrients

You might think that switching to another brand of dog food is better because it’s cheaper, but in the end, you might end up with a malnourished dog. Generic dog food does contain all the nutrients they need to stay healthy, assuming that they eat the right amount and get enough exercise. Some dogs, like the ones with DM in dogs, might need to stick with a special diet. So before switching, always consult your vet.

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Tips on Adopting Abused Dogs

Recently, more and more reports of abusive dog owners have been filed and worked on animal rescue and rehabilitation centers all over the country. Dogs that are abused, ill with degenerative myelopathy and taken for granted are placed in shelters. Most of these centers are having a trouble finding new homes for these poor dogs and these temporary homes become packed and overcrowded.

You can play a big role in helping out these animals by adopting them and giving them a new home. However, it’s a big fear for interested people to adopt these dogs because of their history. Remember, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Dogs that have gone through rehab and are approved for adoption are already assessed to be non-aggressive amongst people, so there really is nothing to fear.

Adopting Abused Dogs
Below are a few tips to help your newly adopted dog feel more at home and relaxed.

Prepare the house

If this is the first time you’ll have a dog, or any pet, inside the house, then get it ready. Purchase all the things you need for dog care like cleaning products, vitamins, a dog bed and dog food. You’ll also want to purchase mats and rugs that you can lay around the house so the dog can lie and lounge on these. These also help minimize the chances of them slipping, especially if your house has wooden or marble floors.

Feeding time

Try to use the same dog food brand that the shelter to avoid any digestive problems. If you want to switch their diet to something else, like a specific diet to prevent degenerative myelopathy, then slowly introduce the new dog food brand.

Getting use to

The dog will need some time to adjust and get used to the environment. Don’t rush it and just let it walk around the house, meet the people and animals living in it and just get comfortable. It might want to mark the territory but never hit it if it does urinate inside the house. Instead, train it to go outside when it wants to go to the bathroom.

New family

Finally, just let the dog feel that it’s being loved and that it’s safe with you and your family. Never lift your hand on the dog since this could make it remembers it’s abusive past and might become aggressive. just treat the dog as a part of the family and help it forget it’s past.

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